Sunday, 24 July 2016

How to Add Vertical Slider To Blogger

Today's recent posts widget has some unique features introduced first time online :
  1. Author Avatar - Unique!
  2. Displays recent posts inside Dynamic Slider or as a Dynamic Flat list. - Unique!
  3. Displays recent posts from a specific category/label.
    1. Slider with two animations: Slide & Fade
    2. Clickable Comments Count
    3. Custom Date Format in ribbon fashion - Unique!
    4. Clickable Animated Featured Thumbnails - Unique!
    5. Option to increase or decrease thumbnail Resolution - Unique!
    6. Support for Third-party Images and YouTube thumbnails - Unique!
    7. Title Length is adjustable

    Add Vertical Slider To Blogger

    Follow the steps below to add the vertical slider to blogger:
    1. Go To Blogger > Template
    2. Backup your template
    3. Click "Edit HTML"
    4. Just below <head> tag paste the following JS and CSS source links:
      <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
      <link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>
      <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
      <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
      <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
      Note: Do not add JQuery, FontAwesome or Oswald links in the code above to your template if you are already using them on your site.
    5. Next search ]]></b:skin> and just above it paste the following code:
      Note: The stylesheet below is exactly the same that we shared earlier for Horizontal Slider except for the bolded blue code at bottom. If you have already added our previous slider then you just need to add the bolded blue code below and not the entire CSS code.
      /*######### Recent Posts Slider Stylesheet #############*/
      .mbtslides-title{font-family:oswald; font-weight:normal;font-size:18px!important; border-bottom:2px solid rgb(144, 241, 40); color:#242729; width:300px;}.flexslider{ width:300px;  margin:0px; border:0;}
      .flexslider .slides {list-style-type:none; margin:0px auto 10px auto;padding:0px;} .flexslider li {color:#666; font-family:helvetica; font-size:12px; overflow:hidden; position:relative; padding-top: 10px; line-height: 1.6em;} .flexslider .flex-control-nav{list-style:none outside none;position:absolute;top:-45px;right:5px;text-align:right;height:10px}
      .flexslider .flex-control-nav li{display:inline-block;margin:0 2px}
      .flexslider .flex-control-nav a{text-indent:9999px;display:block;width:10px;cursor:pointer;height:10px;background-color:#000;border:1px solid #000;border-radius:0!important}
      .flexslider .flex-control-nav a.flex-active{background-color:rgb(132, 219, 6);border:1px solid rgb(144, 241, 40)} .flexslider .flex-div{margin:0px auto 20px auto; display:block; border-bottom:1px solid #eee; padding-bottom:20px!important; position:relative;} .flexslider li a { color:#0080ff; text-decoration:none; } .flexslider i{color:#999; padding-right:5px; } .flexslider .iline{line-height:2em; margin-top:3px;} .flexslider .icontent{line-height:1.5em; margin-top:5px;} .flexslider div span{margin:0 5px 0 0; display:inline-block;font-weight: normal; } .flexslider .mbttitle {font-family:oswald; font-size:13px; color:#666; font-weight:normal; text-decoration:none;} .flexslider .mbttitle:hover, .flexslider .itotal a:hover  {color:#333; text-decoration:none;}
      .flexslider .iedit a{text-decoration:none; color:#999; cursor:pointer}
      .flexslider .iedit:before, .flexslider .iauthor:before, .flexslider .itag:before, .flexslider .icomments:before, .flexslider .idate:before, .flexslider .itotal span:before{font-family:fontAwesome; position:relative; padding-right:8px; color:#999;} .flexslider .iauthorpic{width: 17px!important;height: 17px!important;border-radius: 50%; float: none; display: inline-block!important; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding-right:3px; position:relative; top:3px;}
      .flexslider .iFeatured{overflow:hidden;position:relative;float:left;margin:0 5px 10px 0;padding:0;} .flexslider .iFeatured a {background: none; padding:0px; display: block;border:1px solid #eee;} .flexslider .iFeatured img{width:110px!important;height:65px!important;-moz-transition:all .3s;-webkit-transition:all .3s;transition:all .3s; border-radius: 2px;} .flexslider .iFeatured:hover img{ opacity:1;   -moz-transform:scale(1.4);-webkit-transform:scale(1.4);transform:scale(1.4)} .flexslider .icomments a{color:#0080ff; font-family: arial;font-size:12px;} .flexslider .icomments a:hover{text-decoration:underline} .flexslider .icomments:before {content:'\f086'; padding:0px 3px 0px 7px; color:#84DB06;} .flexslider .idate {position: absolute;left: 0px;top: -7px; background: rgb(132, 219, 6);color: #fff;padding: 3px 4px;font-family: oswald;font-size: 11px;border: 1px solidrgb(144, 241, 40);} .flexslider .idate div{width:18px; line-height:1.6em; text-align:center;}
      .flexslider .idate:after {content: ' ';position: absolute;z-index:-9999px;width: 0;height: 0;left: 25px;top: -1px;border-width: 4px 6px;border-style: solid;border-color: transparent transparent rgb(125, 208, 4)  rgb(125, 208, 4);}.flexslider .flex-div-v{margin:10px auto 20px auto; display:block; border-bottom:1px solid #eee; padding-bottom:20px!important; position:relative;}
      Make these changes
      • To change the green color theme of the vertical slider simply replace the green highlighted color codes with color of your choice. The color can be in rgb or #hexadecimal, both work. Use our  Color Code Generator.
    6. Save your template.
    7. Now go to Blogger > Layout
    8. Select "Add a Gadget"
    9. Choose "HTML/JavaScript" gadget
    10. Keep the title field empty and then paste the following code inside it:
      <script type="text/javascript">
        $(window).load(function() {
         animation: "slide",
              directionNav: false,
             touch: true,  direction: "vertical",
             slideshowSpeed: 2500,
            pauseOnHover: true,
           animationSpeed: 700,

      <h2 class="mbtslides-title">Recent Posts Slider</h2>
      <div class="flexslider mbt-v">
      <ul class="slides">
      <script type="text/javascript">
      //################### Defaults
      var ListBlogLink = "";
      var ListCount = 6;
      var ListLabel = "SEO";
      var TitleCount = 66;
      var ImageSize = 150;
      //################### Function Start
      function mbtslider(json) {
      for (var i = 0; i < ListCount; i++)

      //################### Variables Declared
      var listing= ListImage = ListUrl = ListTitle = ListImage = ListContent = ListConten = ListAuthor = ListTag = ListDate = ListUpdate = ListComments = thumbUrl = TotalPosts = sk = AuthorPic= ListMonth = Y = D = M = m = YY = DD = MM = mm = TT =  "";
      //################### Category
      if (json.feed.entry[i].category != null)
      for (var k = 0; k < json.feed.entry[i].category.length; k++) {
      ListTag += "<a href='"+ListBlogLink+"/search/label/"+json.feed.entry[i].category[k].term+"'>"+json.feed.entry[i].category[k].term+"</a>";
      if(k < json.feed.entry[i].category.length-1)
      { ListTag += " ";}
      //################### URL
      for (var j = 0; j < json.feed.entry[i].link.length; j++) {
            if (json.feed.entry[i].link[j].rel == 'alternate') {
      ListUrl= "'" + json.feed.entry[i].link[j].href + "'";
      //################### Info
      TotalPosts = json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t;
      if (json.feed.entry[i].title!= null)
      ListTitle= json.feed.entry[i].title.$t.substr(0, TitleCount);
      if (json.feed.entry[i].thr$total)
      ListComments= "<a href='"+json.feed.entry[i].link[j].href+"#comment-form'>"+json.feed.entry[i].thr$total.$t+"</a>";
      ListAuthor= json.feed.entry[i].author[0].name.$t.split(" ");
      ListAuthor=ListAuthor.slice(0, 1).join(" ");
      AuthorPic = json.feed.entry[i].author[0].gd$image.src;
      //################### Date Format
      ListMonth= ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
      ListDate= json.feed.entry[i].published.$t.substring(0,10);
                               Y = ListDate.substring(0, 4);
                              m = ListDate.substring(5, 7);
                               D = ListDate.substring(8, 10);
                               M = ListMonth[parseInt(m - 1)];                       
      ListUpdate= json.feed.entry[i].updated.$t.substring(0, 16);
                               YY = ListUpdate.substring(0, 4);
                              mm = ListUpdate.substring(5, 7);
                               DD = ListUpdate.substring(8, 10);
                               TT = ListUpdate.substring(11, 16);
                               MM = ListMonth[parseInt(mm - 1)];   
      //################### Thumbnail Check
      // YouTube scan
      if (json.feed.entry[i].content.$t.match(/youtube\.com.*(\?v=|\/embed\/)(.{11})/) != null)
          var youtube_id = json.feed.entry[i].content.$t.match(/youtube\.com.*(\?v=|\/embed\/)(.{11})/).pop();
          if (youtube_id.length == 11) {
              var ListImage = "'//"+youtube_id+"/0.jpg'";
      else if (json.feed.entry[i].media$thumbnail)
      thumbUrl = json.feed.entry[i].media$thumbnail.url;
      sk= thumbUrl.replace("/s72-c/","/s"+ImageSize+"/");
      ListImage= "'" + sk.replace("?imgmax=800","") + "'";
      else if (json.feed.entry[i].content.$t.match(/src=(.+?[\.jpg|\.gif|\.png]")/) != null)
      // Support For 3rd Party Images
      ListImage =  json.feed.entry[i].content.$t.match(/src=(.+?[\.jpg|\.gif|\.png]")/)[1];
      ListImage= "''";
      //###################  Printing List
      var listing = "<div class='flex-div-v'><div class='iFeatured'><a  href="
      + ListUrl+
        "><img src="
      "/></a></div><a class='mbttitle' href="
      "</a><div class='iline'><span class='iauthor'><img class='iauthorpic' src='"+AuthorPic+"'/>"
      "</span><span class='icomments'>"
      +ListComments +
      "</span> <span class='idate'><div>"
      + D +
      "</div><div> "
      + M +
      if (i == 0)
      if (i < ListCount/2)
      if (i == ListCount/2)
      if (i >= ListCount/2)
      if (i == ListCount)
      } }
      <!-- #### Invoking the Callback Function #### -->
      document.write("<script src='"+ListBlogLink+"/feeds/posts/default/-/"+ListLabel+"?alt=json-in-script&callback=mbtslider'></"+"script>");
      Changing the control options:
      • The customization steps for this slider are exactly the same that we discussed instep#10 of Horizontal FlexSlider. Please read it for understanding how to modify the widget.
    11. Click Save and you are all done!

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